Welcome to the registration account of the Exhibitor. The process of registering an account on the system runs in 2 steps:

1. Fill out the registration form
2. Verify the email address given during registration

You are in step 1. Please fill in the form below and confirm by clicking "Register". Within an hour, to the specified e-mail address you will receive a message with an activation link. After clicking on the activation link your account will be activated.


Company data

Dane firmy z bazy GUS
Other billing data

Authorized contact person

Login data

I declare that I have read / shred of Regulations for the exhibitors and Postawnowienia szczegółowe - Pyszna Polska and accept the provisions contained therein.


I get the message that my address is already in the system
Statement This means that in the past rejestrowaliście to have you in the system fair and you have in the account. Forgotten password can be reset using [Forgot password] on the login page. If you already have an account in the system do not need to register again.

the user name [Login] can be an e-mail?
so, it is common practice minimizes the amount of storable information

 which means * in the description field (eg. E-mail *)?
This mark means that it is necessary fill field

 another problem with registration
please contact us at pomoc@exposupport.pl